Who’s Your Lenny?



Who are your role models? Who are your mentors? 

Earlier this year,  we welcomed Jon Spack as CYJ’s new Executive Director. In this welcome video above, he shared a story about his first summer at CYJ and how, then-Boys Head Counselor, Lenny Saunders, played an instrumental role in mentoring and comforting Jon, and ultimately cultivating his love of CYJ. As Jon shared his story, we realized that we all have “Lenny’s” in our lives who have become role models and mentors.  


We want to hear from you

Who’s Your Lenny?  Was there someone at CYJ (whether they know it or not) who helped shape the person you are today? Perhaps they gave you the confidence to try something new? Perhaps they inspired you in ways they don’t even realize? Perhaps they were just someone you admired and looked up to?  Whatever your CYJ story, we want to hear from you. 


Let us know "Who's your Lenny?". We can't wait to hear from you.